Monday, December 28, 2015

10 Reasons to Love and Hate JJ Abrams Star Wars/Trek

10. LOVE- The Force Awakens makes you feel like you did as a kid watching Star Wars. That is if you were a kid when the original films came out.  That feeling of pure joy and fun that made you love the characters and this fantastic world.  A huge part of the allure is the nostalgia that reminds you of your youth.  If you had that same feeling when the new films came out then this film carries that on.

9. HATE - Time travelling world shifting alternate reality Star Trek and Spock on frozen planets? C'mon, I mean c'mon! I don't even need to say anything more.

8. LOVE - Han Solo is back! Harrison Ford is back as Han Solo! Han Solo is back! Did I say that already?  He's a major part of the new film, Han Fricking Solo, sorry geeking out here, but seriously, we get to see Han Solo being Han.

7. HATE - Star Trek lens flare. Ahhh my eyes! You'll poke your eye out, with annoying lens flare!

6. LOVE - John Williams score. Sweet Jesus it's magical.  John Williams is a musical God and we should all bow at the church of JW.  What would JW do?  He would save your soul with the London Symphony Orchestra.

5. HATE - Another Death Star! the 3rd giant gun to blow up planets that gets destroyed and causes a huge mess. Seven movies and 3 Death Stars. Three of the four movies since the Death Star first appeared have Death Stars. For God's sake come up with some original for once.

4. LOVE - Great Casting. Daisy Ridley as Rey and John Boyega as Finn are both excellent young actors.  They don't appear overwhelmed and really do fantastic work in the Force Awakens. Looking forward to more from these two.

3. HATE - Star Trek feels nothing like Star Trek. In the way Abrams made Star Wars feel like it's supposed to he totally failed with Star Trek.  The films are way off and not even close to representing the Star Trek we all knew and loved. It was the hope for humanity, the covering of social and societal issues, the feeling of hope for the future. The new Treks are just warm ups for him making Star Wars.

2. LOVE - By creating financially successful Star Trek films Paramount and CBS are making a new Star Trek TV series.  The franchise could have been dead.  The films aren't good but by being successful we get a new series that could be good, fingers crossed. TV has been telling way better stories than film lately. Which by the way if you haven't seen Star Trek Continues on YouTube you are missing out. It's the best Trek since Star Trek 4 hands down.

1. HATE - The Force Awakens is a remake of the 1977 original.  A blatant remake, right down to Han Solo being Obi wan, the desert planet, Rey as Luke Skywalker, planet killing Death Star, you name it in the new film it was in the original.  I mean I get it, Disney paid $4 Billion for Star Wars and they wanted to be damn sure the first one worked.  Huge pressure, there are theme park, merchandise, sequel plans and shareholders that tie into this whole thing. How do you make sure it works? Give everyone what they loved about the first one, Hell just make it the exact same movie.  So they did.

He did the same thing with Star Trek. Doing a new movie with Khan seemed like a good idea but he basically just pulled ideas and concepts from the original and made them worse. He tries too hard to appease the fanboys and just makes unoriginal remakes instead.

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